We did some heavy dynamic pulls on Thursday and I wanted to get some more reps with the bar path for the snatch, which we will be done next week. Take your time with the warm up and focus on that bar path on this movement. Once you are good and warm, make a selection from your three options. Behind door number one is a nasty FS/Slam/Rope Climb combo that has been a personal favorite of mine for years. I still remember doing it for the first time. Not only did I leave with a rope burn scar but my wife crushed me into the earth on this workout; very humbling. If you are feeling beat up from the last week, take the option behind door number 2. And if you are training for something, say a ruck or a CrossFit competition, time to add in some sport specific work and get after it.
Which ever one you chose, try the drink of the week.
Pinot Noir
I find I am always recommending mixed drinks and not paying homage to one of my favorites, red wine. Personally, I have always favorited the Pinot Noir over the Cabernet. The Pinot is light and unforgiving and you can’t hide anything as it is more transparent wine than Cab which is very tannic and full-bodied, and often very oaky. The margin of error for Pinot Noir is considerably narrower and much more fulfilling experience. I recommend heading to a wine shop and picking up something from the Russian River Valley or Oregon, as the cooler climates are more conducive to the thin skinned grape.
3 x
Empty Bar Snatch Grip DL – 5 reps
Empty Bar Snatch Pull – 5 reps
Empty Bar Power Snatch – 5 reps
Empty Bar Snatch Grip PP – 5 reps
Empty Bar Overhead Squat – 5 reps
Strict Pull Ups – 5 reps
Run 200 meters (easy pace)
Complete 5 sets of the following:
Each set consists of 3 cycles of the following:
Front Squats @ 75% of 1 RM – 2 reps
50 lbs Ball Slams – 10 reps
15′ Rope Climbs – 1 rep
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
We did this workout a few months back…it was a motherfucker then and was a motherfucker when Freddy Camacho created it for CrossFit Football. First time I did it, I ended up with a rope burn on my leg that I still have a scar from. I always think the FS would be the limiting factor, but the slams just smoked me. Strap it up.
45 minutes: Walk/Jog/Row/Assault/Swim
I want you get out and move for 45 minutes. You walk, march, jog, swim, row or ride your assault/airdyne for 45 minutes.
SPP Training
This is your opportunity to get out of the gym and address your SPP training. This might include playing hops, hitting the trails, picking up your lacrosse stick, or training for that adventure race that is coming up. Anything that allows you to address you sport specific needs is what is on the agenda for today.

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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Pinot noir is a favorite of mine. Good choice – OPTION 1 looks awesome!
Warmup done
Opt 1: C2rower, pyramid intervals
5 min pace 1:58 / 5 min low pace
4 min pace 1:55 / 4 min low pace
3 min pace 1:52 / 3 min low pace
2 min pace 1:49 / 2 min low pace
1 min pace 1:46 / 1 min low pace
2 min pace 1:49 / 2 min low pace
and all the way up to the 5 min again!
Total time 58 minutes, 13550 meters (7750 paced/5800 low pace)
My calfes are sore btw!
@luke something strange about this training post. Doesn’t show the previous workout links or the Field Strong stuff (calendar etc.) on the side, and it isn’t listed as the most recent training. Almost looks like a blog post. Anywho…
Warm up: 2 times. Banded warm up 2 times. Flight simulator 1 time.
Sprints: 8x 20y flying starts. 10x 50y with 90 seconds rest.
STRENGTH: didn’t really want to do this since we did heavy upper body yesterday but the results weren’t too bad.
[6 minutes to establish]
3 reps of push press – 235#
rest for 1 min
[3 minutes to establish]
5 reps of push press – 215#
WOD: 11:52 – the strict hspu were the limiting factor for me. I was able to fly through all of the other movements.
3 rounds of:
5 reps of strict handstand push-up
10 reps of alternating pistols
15 reps of pull-up
12 reps of deadlift at 155 lb
9 reps of hang power clean at 155 lb
6 reps of shoulder-to-overhead at 155 lb
5 rounds of:
20 calories on the assault bike
rest for 2 min
:34, :44, :47, 1:04, :33 – threw up once complete.
SPP Today – 6 hours of skiing at Mammoth Mountain. Bit it hard on the double diamond slopes once, but other than that great day.
Warm Ups- Inch Worm Hands only, Spiderman to horizontal rotation, pillar to plank, calf warm up with cocky walks and heel walks
Squat clean + Front Squat+ Jerk
125#, 155#, 175#, 195#, 205#-Failed the jerk…would have been a 3lb PR!
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds
30 wall ball 14#
30 sumo deadlift high pull 55#
40 box jumps 20 in
40 push press 55#
15 calories on rower
1 minute rest between rounds
Time: 22:38
Opt 1
2 FS @275lbs
10 Slam Ball @40lbs
8 DB Hammer Curls @35lbs (no rope in garage)
2min rest
37 total minutes
Warm up: Done minus the row but with a handstand hold
Option 1 @ 80kg BB & 20kg deadball
– No rope so did 3 x pull ups & 10 hammers instead.
– 29 mins
EC: 3x
Supine GHD hold – 30 seconds
Reverse hypers – 20 reps
Travelling next week so training & drinking should be interesting
I hate this workout more than almost any other, and there is no way I’m skipping this. Third time around, looking to hit sub 40.