AND THEN THERE WERE TWO! The results of Round 3 of the 2016 Superhero Smackdown leave us with only two competitors going into the final round. One of these two will be crowned as Power Athlete Nation’s Fittest Superhero.
Continue on to see how Round 3 played out; and if you missed it click below to see how previous rounds unfolded:
Round 1 Results
Round 2 Results
Round 3 consisted of the following workouts:
For time:
Sprint North through obstacle course (Sprint Course 1)
Sprint South through obstacle course (Sprint Course 2)
In this event, athletes will sprint across the soccer stadium through a series of obstacles (Sprint Course 1), rest briefly, reset, and then sprint back the opposite direction through the course (Sprint Course 2). The athlete’s scores will be their times for each sprint, scored as separate events. Athletes will receive a 2-second penalty if they knock over a hurdle.
For time:
100-ft. 560lbs Pig flip
4 legless rope climbs
100-ft. handstand walk
Athletes will begin by flipping the Pig halfway across the field to the rig, where they will then perform 4 legless rope climbs. They will then proceed to the handstand walk, which will be divided into 50-ft. sections. Each section must be completed unbroken, without the athlete coming back down to their feet. If the athlete comes down from their hands they must return to the start of that section. The event is complete when the athlete finishes the last section of handstand walking.
1-rep-max clean and jerk
Athletes will have two 20-second windows to perform a max clean and jerk, rotating through with only one athlete lifting at a time.
15-10-6 reps for time of:
Thrusters 165lbs
Bar muscle-ups
Athletes will complete 15 thrusters, then 15 bar muscle-ups, 10 thrusters and 10 bar muscle-ups, then 6 thrusters and 6 bar muscle-ups.
.43 seconds. This was the margin from 1st place to last place in Event 7 of the Supehero Smackdown. Hobbs, Toretto, Rambo, and Shaeffer ALL showing similar sprinting styles that are so common in action movies. Lots of lateral arm swing and low knees. The sprint course consisted of a zig-zag path and hurdles that proved quite difficult to navigate for these top heavy, beefy heros. It all came down to who wanted it more, and that was John Rambo on course 1, and Agent Luke Hobbs on course 2. And even at that, the other competitors were only FRACTIONS of a second be hind. What an exciting event for the fans!
I have a joke for you, a Pig, a Legless Rope Climb and a Handstand Walk walk into a Superhero Smackdown, and head judge Liam Neeson says, why all the no reps?
Three of our four competitors were met their match in the Soccer Chipper, while one stayed steady and evenly matched which earned their spot at the top for this event. Luke Hobbs showing an amazing balance of brute strength, upper body pulling ability, and gymnastics skill! Hobbs steadily worked his way through all three movements finishing with a time of 4:30. He showed a little difficulty with the Handstand Walks, having to reset 3 times. This almost opened a window for 2nd place finisher, John Rambo.
Rambo showed AMAZING gymnastics ability, navigating the handstand walk effortlessly and unbroken. Rambo, however, met his match with the 560 lb Pig, doing anything but manhandling the apparatus.
In 3rd place of the Soccer Chipper was Alan “Dutch” Schaeffer. The pig was no match for Dutch, after all he picked up a freaking pick up truck in Predator! While Dutch can repel from ropes all day; from a CHOPPA’, a building, through a sky light, don’t ask this man to ascend or we have a problem. Anyone who saw his work in Predator knows he struggled to hoist a large log, approx 300lbs, with a pulley system! Now, we take the legs away, and it turns out he’s only good for 1. It’s always true that form will follow function, but function doesn’t always follow form. Dutch has the guns, but I guess he can’t use ’em!
With what can only be described as a disappointing finish was Dominic Toretto. He may be able to withstand a direct hit to the body from a crow bar, crash a car off a mountain and live, or take on a 100 mile an hour head on collision without an air bag. But ask this family man to do a handstand walk and we have a problem. Toretto had absolutely no problem throwing around the Pig, and hitting the rope climbs, but being inverted is not his bag. Toretto spent half of his time trying to hit a handstand walk! But Toretto’s redemption came in the form of a Clean and Jerk.
Dom performed impressively well in the Snatch Speed ladder in Round 2, showing amazing technical abilities in the Olympic lifts. He took first place with 350lb Clean and Jerk. Hobbs took a close 2nd, always in pursuit of Toretto, nailing a 347lb attempt. This score tied Dutch from team Grindstone. Dutch and Hobbs did not show great technical ability with the lift; instead they displayed brute strength and power. They both hit Power Cleans and Push Presses to get the bar over head. Falling in a close 4th place was John Rambo, who was just undersized and outmatched all together.
Rounding out the day was Event 10 of the Superhero Smackdown, The Triangle Couplet. Bar muscle ups and thrusters were not a problem for any competitors, this one came down to Liam Neeson, who was a stickler for depth on the thrusters. Every competitor was no repped, and despite tallying up the most, Dominic Toretto takes this event with a time of 4:43. “It’s basically throwing engine blocks and hopping fences. I think Neeson had it out for me because I was burying those thrusters” said Toretto in response to taking 1st place despite his 10 no reps. Coming in 2nd right behind Toretto was Rambo with a time of 4:47, and only 2 no reps. Closely behind was Hobbs with a 3rd place finish of 4:52, and then taking up last place was Rambo with a time of 5:02.
“If I even have a small suspicion of a no rep, I call it. I told all of these competitors to complete this event in something different than Cargo Pants because my judges and I cannot effectively judge depth with the oversized thigh pockets. Did the listen? No. I have a job to do. I did it.”
– Liam Neeson, Head Judge of the 2016 Superhero Smackdown
War vets Rambo and Dutch were the featured athletes of Round 3’s Superhero SHOWDOWN. Rambo finished the day withe 366 points, 9 more points than Dutch, which crowns him the victor of this week’s SHOWDOWN.
I hate goodbyes as much as the next guy, but rules are rules people. Today we send off two great american heroes and war veterans. Alan “Dutch” Schaeffer of Team Grindstone, and John Rambo of Team Field Strong. These two find themselves on the losing end of Round 3, and smack dab in the middle of this round’s Superhero SMACKDOWN!
You can see the final scores of Round 3 below:
Every great story ends where it started. The featured athletes of Round 1 of the Superhero SHOWDOWN were long time foes Luke Hobbs of team Field Strong, and Dominic Toretto of team Grindstone. Now they are the final 2 competitors in the 2016 Superhero Smackdown.
Hobbs and Toretto have a tumultuous past. The two have a mutual respect for one another as athletes, but Hobbs has forever been in pursuit of Toretto. The question now becomes, will Hobbs finally get his hands on his white buffalo? Or will Toretto once again slip by, once again leaving Hobbs in hot pursuit?
Who will prevail as Power Athlete Fittest Superhero?
6 Rounds of:
400m Run
50-ft Yoke Carry 380 lb
3 Peg Board Ascents
24 Calorie Row
15 Calorie Bike
8 Dumbbell Squat Snatches 100 lb.
12 Paralette Handstand Push Ups
24 Calorie Row
16 Calorie Bike
8 Kettlebell Deadlifts 203lbs
If you voted on Day 1 when 16 of Hollywood’s premier action stars first squared off in this battle royal, you better keep your eyes peeled because you’re in it for the grand prize!
If you didn’t, it’s not too late! Head to our final Instagram Post and place a bet for a chance to win the 4th and final round of the Superhero SHOWDOWN!
Tagged: Arnold / Entertainment / Fun / Funny / Jamie Foxx / Mat Damon / Superhero Smackdown / The Rock / Tom Hardy / Vin Diesel / Will Smith

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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Awesome imagination Luke, after this morning’s field strong my brain was running wild as well. I think a French Wine Merchant does less pressing for the day ! Maybe its just my love of Hobbs but I can’t see him losing to Torreto. Admittedly the tall guys struggle compared to the small guys in Crossfit but yoke carry and 400m lends itself to Hobbs height and tall frame surely! I am pretty sure that there is a picture of him carrying fridges doing the rounds… Can’t wait to hear what happens.