Blog | Featured | Nutrition & Recovery | Podcast Power Athlete Radio – Episode 79 Mat Lalonde
Author / John
Have you ever wondered why Mat Lalonde will not return your emails? As one of Harvard University’s leading chemists and researcher in his own right, we had to practically beg him to be a guest on Power Athlete Radio. We are thankful he conceded in the end. In Episode 79, we talk about paleo fallacies, nutrient density, and how to be a discerning in your own education. Cozy up to your headphones and let Uncle Mat tell you how it really is.
BONUS! Discount codes for cool swag and paleo treats in the show breaks!
Show Timeline
- 6:03 “Lalonde is like the most jacked nerd ever…”
- 8:10 Experimenting with intermittent fasting meal times.
- 11:00 Mat as a vegan and vegetarian until he decided to get serious about strength.
- 12:30 “Chemists thrive in grey area.”
- 15:50 Paleo – The good, the bad and the downright untrue.
- 20:00 Revisiting the “curb stomping” at the Ancestral Health Symposium.
- 21:45 Bogus arguments that “justify” practicing paleo.
- 23:18 Genetic expression in humans make us different than cavemen.
- 29:00 Mat gives up brushing his teeth for 1 year.
- 32:25 How ice cream brought Mat out of an OPT wod coma.
- 37:25 Misinterpreting data and why it’s dangerous.
- 40:00 Props for paleo.
- 40:15 TC Williams and M Lalonde – what they have in common.
- 42:00 Are satiety and nutrient density related?
- 45:00 Lalonde’s study on nutrient density with 7,900 foods.
- 52:00 Food for performance.
- 53:00 John tells a 17yo kid that his grandmother is going to kill him.
- 1:03:10 Avoid traps of fads and sweeping generalizations.
- 1:06:00 Pop CULTURE TRIVIA!
- 1:10:20 “Are you still mad at the peanut?”
Show Notes
To redeem the discount codes provided in the show, visit:
Dr. Mat Lalonde

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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Great show! It’s good to hear Mat’s point of view. On a side note, since I now live where M&Ms are made, I’ll be supporting my local economy by buying the peanut variety in bulk. LOL. Thanks!
Can you talk more about back loading carbs suppository style? Do we just jam a tuber right up there or is there a better method?
A little late to the party and behind on the episodes (been saving them for a long trip). This is the best podcast episode yet. Honestly, the content offered on all of the PA Radio podcasts is unrivaled.
So glad to hear it, dude. Get caught up and let us know how we can improve!
This was very enjoyable!! I especially enjoyed the tidbit at the end about peanut butter. I’ve actually stayed away from it for some time now because of what Dr. Lalonde has previously said!! So this is interesting…never taken a nut allergy test though. Thoughts? Suggestions? Cheers folks, really enjoyed the format and professionalism of your podcast!!
Actually, the claimed incorrect sentences seem to come from strawmen arguments that have been taken alone. The evolutionary template is taken as a starting point to investigate about food. I really enjoyed the first take on the issue from Mat but after this interview I’m a bit confused about his idea. Fasano’s study shows that gluten triggers zonuline release and leaky gut in everyone, irrespective of celiac disease, NCGS or no apparent intolerance. Leaky gut sets off low level chronic inflammation with all the bad guys like LPS entering into the bloodstream. It’s also true that there are people that “resist” to this, but it’s not possible to know it listening to your body. How can an hardcore scientist rant so loudly about being rigorous and then comes out with something that sounds like:”listen to your body etc..” eating wheat it’s like playing at russian roulette and being politically correct or trying to meet people’s tastes make us no favour. And the same goes for dairy, it has many stuff that may be problematic that make one wonder:”why should I risk?” . The paleo diet is just a safety template. You eat nutrient dense food and avoid toxins as much as possible. There’s no certainty but a good likelihood. Mat seems to want rigor at one side but he’s laid back at the other, from this interview there’s little coerence. At what about peanuts? From the interview with Kresser, I heard that peanut lectin triggers leaky gut and enter into the bloodstream. You may not be intolerant like you very likely may be not celiac or NCGS, but leaky gut is a bad stuff anyway. People need a rational approach that maximizes the likelihood of being in the right direction, and the paleo guide is doing that, because you eat the food you are most likely to be adapted to and avoid the food you are likely not to be adapted to. What’s going on?