Yes, it’s that time of year again: getting up early, standing in lines in the early morning cold for “doorbuster deals”, and having to Be the Hammer on some folks while you’re scrambling to get that last toy or electronic. At least, that was the way it used to be. With online shopping, you don’t even have to put on pants to get everything you need anymore.
Since we’ve got some awesome Black Friday deals, it’s time to talk about how to prepare and outfit yourself, if you’re looking to be a Mercenary Coach and fly the Power Athlete flag.
Get Your Learning On
The first place to start is with a strong foundation on sound information. One of the most common questions we get asked here at Power Athlete is “what books should I read to make me a better coach?”. There have been volumes and volumes of information written on the subject of strength and conditioning, some good and some bad. Rather than making you start at the beginning of the alphabet and work your way down, we did the hard work for you! Enter the Power Athlete Methodology Course. We combed through the leather-bound books in our bookcase made of rich mahogany, sifted through the excess, and boiled down the key concepts into an easily digestible, one stop shop.
If you were to buy all books we used in developing the curriculum, it would run you about $500, plus the amount of time required to read through each and every single one. For that same value, we provide you with nine comprehensive online courses, 44 lessons, five hours of video lecture, and a 136-page workbook, filled with the info-tainment essentials you need to Battle the Bullshit out there in the fitness world. After passing the course and earning you’re Block, you’ll be ready to step into any weight room or training facility across the globe and start unlocking your clients’ athletic potential.
Get the Gear
My late Grandfather once told me that when you leave the house, you should always dress like you could potentially meet your next boss, or your future spouse. I don’t think I ever saw him without some sort of collared shirt, slacks, and hair that was impeccably combed. We can’t help with the flow, but we can help make sure you’ve got the gear to let everyone know you represent the premier organization in Strength and Conditioning-ing-ing; hats, shirts, tanks, shorts, the all-important silkies, and for those living in more wintery climates – which for us in California means around 50 degrees – sweats to keep you warm on those cold mornings as you’re dropping some motivation on your athletes in your best high school football coach voice. There’s some new and hotness, along with the old favorites, so take advantage of these Black Friday deals and stock up on all your Power Athlete gear while supplies last! As far as your next spouse goes, chicks dig a man in skulls, and guys love a girl who isn’t afraid of the iron.
And speaking of collared shirts, stay tuned. There’s this rumor going around about Power Athlete performance polos and performance flannels…
Get the Footwear
If you’ve been around Power Athlete, or any members of the PA nation, you know we have an unofficial sponsorship with Vans. Some folks have wondered why this shoe, originally designed for skateboarding, has been the footwear of choice for a company that promotes lifting heavy and running fast. Besides looking awesome, they are conveniently built to handle many of the demands we see in our training. The soles are flat and thin, allowing us to directly attack limiting factors like ankle flexilbility, and making it easier for us to grip the ground with our feet, developing foot and arch strength and helping to create torque and stability at the hips. The canvas top is sturdy, built to take punishment from violent lateral movement (think of the shear stress placed on it from skating…or a quick change of direction). And, the toe box is a little wider when compared to brands like Chuck Taylors, making them more comfortable for most people. Plus, at a price of $40 to $50 or less, they aren’t expensive to replace, and those old ones can always be re-purposed as a work shoe to squeeze a little more life out of them. The best part? After you’re done in the gym, you don’t need to change out of a clunky set of high heels and lug them around with you; you can just walk out the door and be ready to hit the clubs with the sweet pump you achieved.
Black Fri-Yay
So here’s your perfect Black Friday schedule. Wake up, pour yourself a big steaming cup of coffee, and boot up that laptop. Enroll in the Power Athlete Academy (semester 007 just opened!), and get ready to experience some serious knowledge bombs. After that, head on over to the Power Athlete store and grab yourself some sweats, shirts and shorts. Finally, head on over to your nearest Vans store (or the webpage, if you don’t want to put on pants), and get yourself a pair. Get this all done before lunch, then kick back, have some leftover turkey, and nap in your favorite chair for the rest of the afternoon. If there’s a better way to spend your Black Friday, I haven’t heard of it.
Related Content:
1. Power Athlete Methodology – Level One Course
2. Power Athlete Shop
3. Vans Online Store

Adam Campbell
Adam grew up a lifetime athlete, playing soccer, baseball, basketball, and practicing martial arts, earning his black belt at age 12. While in college, he decided to join the Navy and earned his commission in 2008. While on active duty earned his CrossFit Level 1 in 2010 and CrossFit Football certification in 2012. He was part of the first class to go through the Power Athlete methodology course, and the first group to earn their Block One certification in September 2017.
Adam continues to stay active, earning a spot on the All Navy Rugby 7s team in 2023 and playing Rugby for a local men's club in San Diego, California.
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The third picture is a blatant example of “sex sells”. Post up a pic of a ridiculously hot dude squatting under a cambered bar, and watch the millions of clicks roll in.
Why do you think we chose it?
Great article
Thanks Rudy!
that @ingob, so suave, so handsome, so humble….