Fear Controls Every Thing.
Defense tactics consist of so much more than reaction time and training. Take a look into the mind of guest, Tony Blauer [@TonyBlauer], to find out just how big a factor fear plays in our every day life. This fascinating conversation with the founder of Blauer Tactical Systems truly enlightens The Crew with amazing anecdotes and mental toughness diagnostics. The more you know about your own perceptions and biases, the easier you can predict your susceptibility to the unknown. Furthermore, knowing your own fear and facing it head on will expose your weaknesses allowing you to train to address them.
The conversation inevitably turns towards the recent election. Recorded just days after the results, The Crew and Blauer sit back and pontificate on the how’s and why’s of the interesting turn of events. Tony discusses how we can be hyper aware of our own fear with regard to politics and media, and hopefully, conquer it.
Equipping yourself with a winning mindset and ability to manage fear will allow you to exceed your own expectations. This is just one takeaway from this week’s surprisingly philosophical, and not surprisingly deadly, guest Tony Blauer.
As we say at Power Athlete, there is a superficial and deep meaning to virtually all aspects of training. I hope everyone was as pumped as I was to hear Tony discuss the mental and lifestyle applications of training self defense. If you want to hear more from Tony, or attend any number of his seminars, head to www.BlauerSpear.com or follow him on instagram under his namesake, @TonyBlauer.
Tagged: #Spear / Blauer / Defense / Fear / Fighting / mental toughness / Mindset / No Fear / Self Defense / Tony Blauer / Warrior

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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@cali I don’t think the whole episode loaded. It stops in the middle of Tony’s story about the guy he thought was going to be a prodigy. Stops at the same place on iTunes too.
@cali – I had the same problem of it cutting short
Similarly to other I think that entire episode did not load itself.
bummer it cut short.. Such a good episode!
is the full episode up yet?