| | Cranberry Bourbon Christmas Cocktail

Author / Samantha Flaherty

20 min prep/serve

Having to deal with the in laws or your sugar high children? Try this festive boozy Christmas cocktail to get you through Christmas Eve…and all those awkward questions about how big your biceps have gotten.


2 ounces bourbon (100 proof)

½ ounce cranberry simple syrup

¼ ounce Jager

2 dashes angostura aromatic bitters

2 dashes orange bitters

Orange peel

Rosemary sprig for garnish

Cranberry Simple Syrup:

1 cup water

1 cup sugar

2 cups fresh cranberries

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  1. Start by making the simple syrup. To do this you will put the water, sugar, and cranberries in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a bowl and then simmer over medium low heat for about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. Once cooled, strain the mixture and your cranberry simple syrup is ready to go!

  1. Pour the bourbon, cranberry simple syrup, and jager into a glass with a large ice cube and stir. Top the cocktail with 2 dashes of Ango bitters and 2 dashes of orange bitters.
  2. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and an orange peel. Twist the orange peel over the cocktail to release the essence into the cocktail.
  3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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Samantha Flaherty

Samantha has been an athlete since childhood, focusing on gymnastics, track and field, and cross-country. Samantha found CrossFit, and eventually CrossFit Football as a means to continue personal performance and fill a competitive void. These all led her to Power Athlete, the methodology course, and eventually to earning her Block One. She currently works in the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area as a Power Athlete Nutrition Coach and as a Personal Trainer applying the Power Athlete principles with all of her clients.

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