PAHQ Director of Fun Freddy Camacho jumps on Power Athlete Radio to chat and talk about his run at the CrossFit Games, how he uses CFFB programming, and how he met John. The rest of the crew answers some listener questions and ramble on about other things:
- 0:00 Intro and Opening
- 1:45 Team Series Recap
- 5:34 What’s up Freddy C!
- 8:03 Freddy’s run at the Games
- 13:03 Now what Freddy?
- 17:21 Freddy, how’d you and John Meet?
- 23:41 CFFB for Kids?
- 30:19 What’s this Back Attack all about?
- 35:28 Ballistic Pull Ups
- 37:18 Thoughts on Seal Fit
- 46:53 “I’m always hungry, how do I get full?”
- 54:13 Platek’s Power Lifting Meet
Power Athlete Team Series – The Final Prowler Event
Jackson Brougher asks:
I’m 19, a freshman at college, and I’M ALWAYS HUNGRY. Sorry for the caps.
But seriously. I crossfit at CrossFit Aberdeen in Scotland, and try to avoid going Secret Squirrel by adding in extra strength from the CrossFit Football site. I’ve had tons of progress, and I eat clean like none other.
I’m usually up at 4:30 every morning of training to hit the box, but I get some solid sleep. When I eat a ton, it’s always very protein or fatty with tons of nuts or coconut oils and such. But still, nothing seems to satisfy my hunger. Also, the show kicks ass.

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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51:30….. “they’d call me Tupperware man…..”. Classic!!!
Great show guys. Keep ’em coming.
You guys need to get on Doubletwist app for Android and Windows phone users.
Iphone is not the only podcast market fellas.
Would LOVE to listen. But I have a Samsung.
Daniel, I will look into doubletwist. I’m an Android owner and there are hundreds of podcast apps you can utilize to subscribe to our show as is. All you need is the RSS feed which is provided in the “Subscribe Here” link. So in the meantime you could utilize that… stay tuned!
I am the Tupperware Man at my company. We should form a fan club or something.
Great edition! Really liked the ‘weird tupperware guy’ comment towards the end. I get a bunch of comments at work… being a designer and eating every 3hrs doesn’t naturally go hand in hand. Nice to know others share my pain. Oh well, at least all the food can comfort my sadness, haha.
Keep up the good work.
I generally try to hide the fact that every morning my bag is filled with sweaty gym clothes and tupperware. Maybe I just need to embrace it…
On the SealFit comment, I agree that CFFB is a more realistic approach to being a Seal, or SWAT or some kind of special operations operator, however the Seal Fit program or other programs are designed to prepare an individual for selection. Buds or JTF2 etc. It would better prepare someone for the greulling endurance and mental mind capacity that is needed to get through the weeks of belt fed cock you are going to recieve.
IMO. Someone with CFFB experience and background, who switched over to a SealFit Type program for a few months to prepare for the selection would make the ultimate physical canditate.
So, our recipe page should be called the “Tupperware Man’s Guide to Good Eats?”
Thanks for the reply and sorry for being vague.
My usual shopping list consists of: 1kg bag of frozen chicken, 1kg bag of spinach, a couple of avocados (I try to eat about one a day), sweet potatoes, mixed nuts, eggs, bacon, and usually a joint of pork shoulder to stick in the Crockpot.
Outline of a regular day:
Wake up, coconut oil + coffee, then a run to the gym. The box is two miles from dorms, and buses don’t run that early.
WOD, strength, protein shake + either whole milk (raw milk is illegal in Scotland, but I get it when I go home to Texas over the summer) or I’ll add in Greek Yogurt for the probiotic, since normal probiotic capsules are too pricey on a student budget.
Run back to dorms, scrambled eggs + bacon + avocado.
Class, spinach + avo + grilled chicken.
More class, I carry a giant bag of almonds in my backpack and pretty much live off of them.
Back to dorms, whatever meat I’ve got + any veggies I have. If I’m hungry after, extra protein shake for dessert.
Add in probably five or so cups of coffee in there. Supplements are fish oil and then ZMAs before bed. There’s an occasional beer at the pub, or a tequila, soda water, and lime at parties.
Thanks again for the help, y’all kick ass.
@Jackson- from what I can see you are barely getting 2000 calories. You need to double your intake. Get protein in at every meal (especially breakfast and coffee/coconut oil don’t cut it!), increase milk consumption to 1 gallon per day, eat 5-6 meals per day. Each meal has to consist of protein, carbs, fats….if you do all of this and still feel hungry……tape worm… 🙂
Lovin the shows guys. Great way to get information from people with experience. Keep em comin!!
@Jackson I concur with Big Denny K’s analysis – looks like you are calorically deprived.
Coconut oil+coffee then a run – you are just burning calories. Calories that you haven’t even eaten yet. Then on closer analysis it looks like you’re doing a kind of Carb Backloading, without the carb loading at night. I think you said you were 19 years old or something, get some more carbs in you, especially at night and around workout. Eat more, that’s not a ton according to my measurements!
Spot on with the application to the military. At least from the conventional side we are not going to be running miles on end to get somewhere. We will be walking(slowly) with heavy loads on our backs. If something pops off its more then likely going to require a quick drop down then pop up with a sprint to cover while engaging. So your looking at a burpee with a lunge/squat to a prowler pull type movement, with around 90lbs on your back. CFFB has prepared me better than any other programming for this. I have been on the amateur for about 9 months now and squat has increased from 3×5 225 to 3×5 300. I feel much more in control of my body in full kit. Thanks.
side note:Might be some money in a military specific CF page CFFB is a great base.