The premiere podcast in strength and conditioning reached for the stars this year. The Crew climbed into the top 30 Fitness Pods on iTunes, had a cup of coffee with Vision Quest’s Matthew Modine, introduced the Hot-Hot-Hotline, and provided a platform for coaches, authors, and researchers to share their expertise in the world of performance.
While the world was forced to rethink fitness and training we saw Power Athlete Nation prioritize health and find a way to take ownership of their performance. Power Athlete Radio aimed to empower you each step of the way whether you were moving the dirt/concrete, laughing at #BeTheHammer vids, or starting your home gym initiative; John, Luke, and Tex delivered info-tainment disguised as the premier podcast in strength and conditioning-ing-ing.
Below you’ll The Crew’s top 5 podcast interviews of 2020. If you missed any of these, make the time this holiday season to have a listen. Plus, don’t forget to smash that subscribe button and leave us a review 😉.

Ep. 352: Dr. Keith Baar & The Future of Muscle Science
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If it’s knowledge you seek, look no further than our top downloaded episode of 2020. Dr Keith Baar takes John, Luke, and Tex to school on subjects like molecular exercise physiology and musculoskeletal tissue engineering. Did you know that there are experiments going on right now in which lab grown human muscle tissue is being tested as a mechanism to perform other tasks…like run engines! This is the power of the muscle’s ability to repair itself. If your goal is hypertrophy, longevity, performance, or to hear some scifi shit, you’ve come to the right place.
Ep. 365: Man of Reason, Andy Stumpf
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Andy Stumpf is a former Navy SEAL, public speaker, and long time friend of our CEO John Welbourn. He is an inspiring guy with a killer mindset. Sure, Andy has seen some shit and done some shit, but his legacy is slowly transforming. Stumpf is more than a pretty face/former SEAL, he has an insatiable curiosity for people and the complexities of their environments. This is what makes him not only the gifted podcast host of “Cleared Hot”, but a man whose amassed a wealth of knowledge simply by asking the difficult questions. Like a humble Yoda with a borderline irrational hatred for Steven Segal, Andy speaks on the current times and what it means for our country’s future.

Ep. 380: Unlearn What You’ve Learned w/ Kaz Kazadi
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Kaz Kazadi told us 2020 had been a great year for him. His reason: People are having real conversations. That is exactly what this week’s episode with him feels like. Within that authenticity, Kaz shares his thoughts on our societies pitfalls and even better, provides solutions. His perspective is based on the fact that we are all 99.9% the same and that there is far too much emphasis on our minuscule differences. He believes that if we create a culture where vulnerability is embraced and where fear is merely information not cowardice, we may start to mend the divide. Kaz firmly believes that for a coach, it can start on day one in the weight room. Tune in for an epic and uplifting conversation.

Ep. 377: Feet, Fascia, & Dr. Emily Splichal
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Bet you never thought you’d see the words “foot skin” in a Power Athlete post. We continue surprise you and our listeners not only with our edgy promos but also with our progressive minded guests. Enter Dr Emily Splichal. As a podiatrist, she is doing incredible things to improve human movement. She’s somewhat of a pioneer in the field as her interests lie in the relationship between the fascia found in the foot and our associated neurological response. If you you’ve had nagging hip, knee, or foot issues, this episode could explain how the rigidity of your foot on impact (or lack thereof) is contributing to your injury. Maybe the best part…Dr Emily agrees to assess The Crew’s feet in real time. Toe-tally worth a listen.
Ep. 367: Reason and Login 101 w/ Derek Woodske
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Accepting things at face value is not something Derek Woodske has conditioned himself to do. Instead, he’s put in the energy and personal responsibility to do just the opposite. Maybe this is why he’s been a standout performer in the world of athletics, a reformative coach in strength and conditioning, and one of our biggest man-crushes of all time. Derek can be described as a deep thinker but to us, it’s his insatiable curiosity that makes him so unique. Fear mongering, obesity, Charles Poliquin, and goal setting are just a few of the topics we cover with our old friend this week. In a time when most of us are thirsty for honesty and open conversation, let this quench your minds.
We cannot sign off without a big thank you from Power Athlete for tuning in and making the magic happen. Even after over 400 episodes, we feel Power Athlete Radio is just getting started. 2021 will connect you with more incredible guests to help expand your knowledge and empower your performance. The hotline will remain open giving you a direct line to The Crew to answer your training and life questions. Here’s to you, give us a ring this holiday season and let John know how underrated JJ Watt is as both an athlete and gameshow host: 949-464-4640.
EDU: Power Athlete Academy
BLOG: Top 10 Hardest CrossFit Football Workouts by John Welbourn
BLOG: The Essential Equipment for Your Home Gym by Tex McQuilkin
BLOG: Coaching Kids to Fail by David McKercher
PODCAST: PA Radio 421 – The Ultimate Home Gym Episode w/ Coop
Tagged: Andy Stumpf / Cali / Derek Woodske / Dr Emily Splichal / Dr Keith Baar / John Welbourn / Kaz Kazadi / Luke / Podcast / Power Athlete Radio / Tex

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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