Blog | Coaching | Nutrition & Recovery Supercharge Your Performance & Thrive with ROYGBIV
Author / Rob Exline
2-3 minutes read
If you want to rev up your performance and health game, it is time to get ready for a veggie feast. Your mom was right to make you sit at the table until you finished your veggies. Mom knows that vegetables contain powerful vitamins and minerals that help run most things.
Red vegetables contain powerful compounds like lycopene and anthocyanins, which give them their color and provide amazing health benefits. Reds carry antioxidants that help lower blood pressure, support heart health, and fight off cancer. Effortless ways to add these into your rotation; slice tomatoes for sandwiches, dice red peppers for salads, or add radishes to Taco Tuesday.
This dynamic duo boosts your immune system and keeps your vision sharp. Remember mom used to tell you to eat your carrots for better vision, mom knows what is up. You can munch on carrots as a snack, air fry sweet potato fries, or sauté’ yellow peppers to add to any protein source.
Greens are the easiest, most abundant, and nutrient dense. Not only do greens provide a boat load of vitamins and minerals, but they regulate blood glucose, boost digestion, and support the immune system. There are several types of green leafy salad options that you can rotate to get in a variety of greens, it does not have to just be spinach and kale. You could try a new type of green each week to fight boredom and spice up your options.
These are sometimes a little harder to incorporate, but it is worth the effort. These vegetables and fruits are powerful antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and support heart health. Whether you grill up eggplant, shred purple cabbage into a slaw, or add blueberries to your yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies, these are easy to incorporate. (BTW frozen blueberries in Greek yogurt is amazing!) You may or may not know this, but you can find purple potatoes, asparagus, and carrots as additions.
Variety is the Spice of Life
It is easy to get into a rut and stay with the same vegetables. There are some many cool vegetables that you do not even know about. Here are a couple of ways to explore. First seek out a local farmers market. Not only will you have fresh options, but they will be in season too! A second way is to pick a new vegetable from the produce sections to try each week so that your routine does not get boring. You may just find a new favorite.
For some, vegetables can cause bloating or upset stomach issues. Cooking vegetables help to manage those issues, and in some cases make the vegetables more bioavailable.
So… make your momma proud, embrace ROYGBIV. Make your plate as colorful as you can. Shoot for 5 servings per day and make sure to rotate colors to get the widest variety of nutrients. Want to find new ways to prepare vegetables check out the host of recipes on Or to find new and inventive ways to incorporate veggies to empower performance or to just look better naked go to to hire a coach.
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Tagged: coaching / Empower Performance / Nutrition / Nutrition Coaching / Serves One

Rob Exline
Rob has been in the fitness/strength and conditioning industry for 21+ years. For the last 12 years, he has owned and operated CrossFit West Houston. Through CrossFit, Rob found Power Athlete the methodology course and earning his Block One. Nutrition is a passion which lead him to currently pursuing a Masters program in Nutrition at Lamar University and Power Athlete Nutrition coach.
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