Power Athlete Nation, it is that time of year again!
Last year @mcquilkin’s CrossFit Open Warm Ups garnered 1,000’s of hits after each Open WOD announcement. Anyone who subscribes to the Power Athlete forums, or keeps up with our blogs, knows Tex is the MAN when it comes to athlete preparation.
Regardless of your skill level, or competitive domain, the mental and physical approach to game day will make or break your performance. That’s why the correct warm up is absolutely essential to empower your performance.
As is tradition at Power Athlete HQ, we will be leveling up for the 2016 CrossFit Open Warm ups. Tex will be standing by for every CrossFit Open WOD announcement to analyze the workouts. Here’s what he’s putting together for each Open workout:
- A Crack of the Whip
Tex will get your mind right with a motivational preamble - Pre Warm up Warm up
Directed cyclical movements to stoke the coals and get the warm up started; raise core temperature, stimulate CNS, and elevate heart rate - Iso Stability Work
Your ability to match isometric tension to the task ahead is the foundation of movement efficiency - Movement Prep
After Tex identifies primary, secondary, and tertiary movement patterns of the WOD, he’ll map those to our warm up protocols for maximal motor recruitment prep - Lactate Buffering
When it comes to The Open, “Energy systems” are a small piece of the pie; lactate buffering is ESSENTIAL to continue pushing through the workout as acidosis increases from the stress of the WOD
Everything will be hosted on TrainHeroic accompanied with detailed explanations and movement demos. The Open WODs will also be programmed, so you can enter your scores and see how you stack up against others following the 2016 CrossFit Games Open Warm up protocols.
Better yet, use the activity feed to tap directly into Power Athlete coaches.
The catch? It’s gonna cost you $10 bucks. That’s $2 per warm up assuming there’s only 5 Open WODs. For all we know, there might be 7. That’s the beauty of the open, we don’t really know what we are in for, do we?
Here’s what we do know; you need to go into your workouts with a fighters mindset. If you go into the ring cold, you’ll come out cold… knocked out cold! That in itself is worth the $2.
Ditch the bullshit neck roll, arm circle, air squat warm up. Take a calculated approach to your warm up so you can smash your WOD.
Tagged: CrossFit Open / Lactic Acid / TrainHeroic / Warm Up

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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I’m living in Hong Kong. Before purchasing, I’d like to make sure that they are posted in time for me to take advantage of. I plan on hitting each workout on Friday afternoon local time which would make it Thursday 8pm pacific time roughly. Any likely hood of missing these warmups?
Cam, we will be posting within 2 hours after the live announcement. You’ll be good!
I thought last year’s open warm ups were great. I’ll be signing up.
So on the TH site, I noticed i’ll only be billed for one month, will I have access to these 6 months from now if I want to hit the workouts again?
Obligatory notice: this post is open to gen-pop, so please refrain from posting premium Power Athlete content here.
im only signing up because of the gif
Noel, you and I clearly make our purchasing decisions based off the same criteria.
Thought I posted earlier, seems not.
With TrainHeroic charging for one month, if I want to go back and look at the warmups 6 months from now, will I be able to?
No, you wont.
It says $ 10 sign up, but I can only choose the $20 monthly for payment?
Halim, maybe you’re selecting the “coach’s” account, which would allow you set you up for a “Coach’s Account” where you can invite athletes to view the training and track their results.
Make sense?
From TrainHeroic
FRIDAY 3.04.16
16.2 Warm Up Posted on Saturday the 5th
From here:
FEBRUARY 24, 2016 AT 9:24 PM
Cam, we will be posting within 2 hours after the live announcement. You’ll be good!
Me: 🙁
We are working with TH to see WHY THE FUCK these are unpublishing. Very sorry about the issue.
Stand by.
Looks like 16.2 is up now on saturday . this is as of 11:54am EST Friday. I am printing it out – just in case.
[…] 2016 CrossFit Open Warm Ups! […]
[…] 9. 2016 CrossFit Open Warm ups | Power Athlete […]
[…] 9. 2016 CrossFit Open Warm ups | Power Athlete […]
Thank you for the information, sir.