The premiere podcast in strength and conditioning-ing-ing continued to climb the podcast charts in 2021 through the simple mission of empowering your performance. The Crew went full Rogan adding our video pods to Spotify, broke bread with many old friends, kept Hot-Hot-Hotline hot, and continued to destroy mediocrity providing a platform for coaches, authors, and researchers to share their expertise in the world of performance.
This year we released 120 podcasts totaling 8,775 minutes of info-tainment dropping knowledge in 57 countries across this flat-earth. A small step on our way to world domination delivering world class training and nutrition guidance providing performance for the people!
We want to thank you all for listening by sharing your top downloaded podcasts of 2021. The people have spoken listened! These our your favorite guest, Crew, and Nutrition Ninja pods, so if you missed any of these, make the time this holiday season to have a listen (or watch on YouTube and Spotify).
P.S., don’t forget to smash that subscribe button and leave us a review 🤗.
Your Top Guest Downloads of 2021
Ep. 537: Debunking Food Lies with Brian Sanders
If you enjoy debunking vegan propaganda, look no further than our top downloaded episode of 2021. It’s interesting that the consumption of meat has been responsible for so many evolutionary developments in humans and that some of the beneficiaries of this diet now stand in staunch opposition to it. Thank goodness there are those like Brian Sanders of Food Lies (the upcoming film) with energy left to battle with rational thinking and scientific studies.

Ep. 562: Jay Cutler, Literally our Biggest Guest Yet
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iTunes | Spotify (Video!)
We embark on our Spotify video podcast journey with one of the biggest names in the history of bodybuilding joins us to talk about what it actually takes to be the best in a highly subjective sport. Jay Cutler’s incredible story of dedication to not only his training but his recovery practices is both the reason for his renowned success and also his ability to live a healthy and fulfilled life long after hanging up the spray tan.
Ep. 527: Recovery and Readiness with Kelly Starrett
Injuries, recovery, coaching, and imposters. These are just a few of the topics discussed in this week’s conversation with Kelly Starrett. Dive into the mind of a PT genius and learn how he manages the so-called world renowned leaders in rehabilitation. His first question…show me your proof. If you can provide your body of work to the public to back up your claims, then you’re already more qualified than most.
Your Top Crew Downloads of 2021
Ep. 538: Soup to Nuts Home Gym Builder’s Guide by Power Athlete
The Rock’s Iron Paradise is only rivaled by one home gym in all the world: Power Athlete HQ. John Welbourn takes you behind the scenes of how Power Athlete’s Iron Fortress was conceptualized, built, and set up with essential equipment for empowering performance. Whether you’re aiming to kit out your garage or construct a fortress in the backyard, this episode is your guide to building a bitching home gym. Investing in a home gym will work wonders to your health, but if done right, you’ll see the value add to your property in no time!
Ep. 555: Tactical Performance w/ Dr Matt Zanis & Dr Nick Kyle
Power Athlete hosted an elite group of special forces athletes and brought in DPT and Block One Coaches Matt Zanis and Nick Kyle to coach up the finer points of movement. Listen in as the Crew shares their perspective on how to prepare tactical athletes for the demands of training and deployment. Mental toughness can take you a long way as an operative, but not moving like an asshole will keep you there.
Ep. 502: Squatting For Points or POWER! A #ToesForward Proclamation
John and Tex take on a caller’s question regarding squatting depth and limited range of motion. Naturally the conversation drifted into #toesforward squatting and Power Athlete’s movement standard: maintaining posture and position. Key takeaway is identifying what an athlete is training for and not extending or taking liberties to implement a standard of movement where it’s inappropriate for an athlete’s goal. The last thing we want is for coaches to become so fixated by standard that they are willing to compromise or abandon solid posture and body position to perform the given movement for imaginary whiteboard points.
Your Top Nutrition Downloads of 2021
Ep. 559: Just Tell Me What, When and How Much to Eat
The Rock’s Iron Paradise is only rivaled by one home gym in all the world: Power Athlete HQ. John Welbourn takes you behind the scenes of how Power Athlete’s Iron Fortress was conceptualized, built, and set up with essential equipment for empowering performance. Whether you’re aiming to kit out your garage or construct a fortress in the backyard, this episode is your guide to building a bitching home gym. Investing in a home gym will work wonders to your health, but if done right, you’ll see the value add to your property in no time!
Ep. 490: Pre-Morning Workout Nutrition Do’s, Don’ts, and Do-nuts
I eat success for breakfast. With Skim Milk. Train first thing in the morning is a tall task for many. Most of the questions our nutrition team battle are sleep sacrifice to train benefits, WOD-ing in a fasted state, or what macros to take in before taking on the weights. The Power Athlete Nutrition Ninjas joins the Crew to answer a caller’s morning nutrition routine question. Nothing is off-limits this episode as we take aim at pre-workout powders, training fasted, and the mysterious anabolic window! This episode provides a winning recipe of movement, macros recs, and stories from the likes of Ivan Abadjiev to get your chili HOT before your morning training.

Ep. 525: Don’t Be Weird, Alcohol & Training Balance
Alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems! Finding a balance of your social life and your training goals is very important. Going too far in the direction of training closes the door on some memorable social gatherings and on the flip side, neglecting your body to drink all the drinks will catch up you one way or another. There is a push and pull relationship between training and alcohol consumption that can be managed with the right team of Nutrition Ninjas! The Power Athlete Nutrition Ninjas join John and Tex to key in on drinking, achieving training goals, and how to not be weird when it comes to alcohol and training.
EDU: Power Athlete Academy
BLOG: Strength is Where You Find It by John Welbourn
BLOG: The Essential Equipment for Your Home Gym by Tex McQuilkin
BLOG: Creatine: It’s For Everyone by Rob Exline
Tagged: Alcohol / Brian Sanders / Cali / Jay Cutler / John Welbourn / Just Tell Me What To Eat / Morning / Nutrition / Podcast / Power Athlete Radio / Tactical Athletes / Tex / Toes Forward

John Welbourn is CEO of Power Athlete and host of Power Athlete Radio. He is a 9 year starter and veteran of the NFL. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for starter for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his career, John has started over 100 games and has 10 play-off appearances. He was a four year lettermen while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition and records his podcast, Power Athlete Radio, every week with over 800 episodes spanning 13 years. You can catch up with John as his personal blog, Talk To Me Johnnie, on social media @johnwelbourn or at Power Athlete Radio.
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