Our blog is a collection of articles that make up our doctrine on everything performance.
We are not beholden to corporate sponsors, influencers, or powers that be. Our commitment is to our readers; the coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts that come to us for our honest assessments, analysis, and opinions.
Our pledge to you is that we will do the heavy lifting! We go to battle with bullshit and cut to the chase. If you’re looking for honest information, you’re in the right place.
Ep 792 – The Miseducation of Society w/ Ben Skutnik
Are we losing the ability to think for ourselves? Join Certified Power Athlete Coach, Ben Skutnik, joins John to tackle the decline of education, the struggles of college athletes, and how to train your brain to crush the BS. Don’t miss this truth bomb-filled episode!
Ep 626 – Leaving a Family Legacy
Learn how to harness your tenacity to succeed in sport, parenting, and educating just as AnnMaria De…
Ep 528 – 5 Tools for Freshman Collegiate Athlete Success This Fall
In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…
EP 467 – Mike Palmieri Wants You to Dominate Your Game
Train to Dominate With more than 20 years of both experience and education, Michael Palmieri is one…
Ep 432 – Power Athlete Block One Coach Test Prep
CHECK OUT OUR $3,000 REMOTE COACHING GIVEAWAY In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer…
Ep 417 – The Ultimate Strength & Conditioning Reading List
In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…
EP 380 – Unlearn What You’ve Learned with Kaz Kazadi
We Are 99.9% the Same One of the most powerful conversations on Power Athlete Radio is with…
How a Toy Company Could Save Coaching: The Injury Prevention Rebrand
(For the sake of this article, any stakeholder in an athlete’s career is referred to as “coach”.)…
Mentoring For the Mercenary Coach
Listen up nation, we’re doing something different with this article. I’m going to be talking to you…
Certs, Seminars, and Letters Oh My!
Plato, the original King of the Iron, once said “the measure of a man is what he…