Our blog is a collection of articles that make up our doctrine on everything performance.
We are not beholden to corporate sponsors, influencers, or powers that be. Our commitment is to our readers; the coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts that come to us for our honest assessments, analysis, and opinions.
Our pledge to you is that we will do the heavy lifting! We go to battle with bullshit and cut to the chase. If you’re looking for honest information, you’re in the right place.
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 81 Angie Sorensen
Angie Sorensen is a Strength and Conditioning Coach at Loyola University and serious wealth of knowledge. Not…
Shitty Coaching Trifecta
As many of you may know, several of the coaches at Power Athlete HQ also double as…
Attacking Limiting Factors: Trunk Rotation
One concept of sports that is taken for granted is the amount of trunk rotation and movement…
How Strong is The Rock? Train like Hercules!
I’m a huge Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson fan. Those who have spent any extended periods of time…
Strength 101: Reverse Engineering with Prilepin’s Chart
One of the great aspects to working in the strength and conditioning industry is the endless discussion…
A Different Perspective on Coaching Women
You’ve seen them around. They drive cars, dance, and even show their faces in public (conditional upon…
Are You Strong Enough for CrossFit?
Every once in a while we are fortunate enough to have the insight of gurus of varying…
Standards Worth Having
Standards. We all have them; whether you’re determining clean clothes from dirty, a productive workday from a…
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 52 w/ Mark Rippetoe
Power Athlete Nation, it’s time to kick the tires and light the firing, of your muscle fibers….