

Our blog is a collection of articles that make up our doctrine on everything performance.

We are not beholden to corporate sponsors, influencers, or powers that be. Our commitment is to our readers; the coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts that come to us for our honest assessments, analysis, and opinions.

Our pledge to you is that we will do the heavy lifting! We go to battle with bullshit and cut to the chase. If you’re looking for honest information, you’re in the right place.


EP 406 – Reflections on Lifting and Life

In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…

Author: John

EP 405 – Parent’s Guide to Raising a Power Athlete

In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…

Author: John

EP 404 – Jeff Gothelf Transforms Your Business

Lean, Not Lazy Our guests are incredible and this week is no exception. Jeff Gothelf [@JeffGothelf] joins…

Author: John

EP 403 – The Crew’s Favorite Sports Memories

In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…

Author: John

EP 402 – Talking Trucks & Hobbies w/ The Crew

In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…

Author: John

EP 401 – The Mike Matthews Rabbit Hole

The Health and Fitness Hustle Michael Matthews [@muscleforlifefitness @legionath] started his training journey the way a lot…

Author: John

EP 400 – The OG Crew Celebrates 400

Quadricentennial Today’s show marks the big 4-0-0. That’s right, 400 episodes later and we are still bringing…

Author: John

EP 398 – Taking Ownership with Justin Kavanaugh

Taking Ownership & Talking Sh*t NFL stories aplenty in this week’s episode with Coach Kav, Justin Kavanaugh…

Author: John

EP 397 – Lessons Learned from Former Gym Owners

In this episode the Crew dials the voicemail to answer a question from a loyal Power Athlete…

Author: John

EP 395 – Riding the Grey with Ali Kershner

Insert Doubt Into Your Routine Ali Kershner’s coaching story has a unique start. This goalkeeper from Duke…

Author: John