Our blog is a collection of articles that make up our doctrine on everything performance.
We are not beholden to corporate sponsors, influencers, or powers that be. Our commitment is to our readers; the coaches, athletes, and enthusiasts that come to us for our honest assessments, analysis, and opinions.
Our pledge to you is that we will do the heavy lifting! We go to battle with bullshit and cut to the chase. If you’re looking for honest information, you’re in the right place.
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 86 Power Athlete Symposium: Part 1
Happy Holidays, Power Athlete Nation! This weeks episode was the kick off to a very long and…
Power Coach: Experience
Strength and conditioning is an incredibly unique industry in that each individual measures experience in their own…
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 85 Antony Lo, The Physio Detective
Antony the “Physio Detective” Lo joins us for this weeks episode of PA Radio. The group discusses…
Looking Good Naked: Part 2 (Women)
Looking Good Naked Part 2: Why Women Lift Weights Steven M. Platek – November 27, 2014 Introduction…
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 84 CalTex
Power Athlete’s two east coasters reconnect for this intimate pre-Thanksgiving episode with Denny K. Things get interesting…
7 Unconventional Changes To Improve Training
“Nothing endures but change.”-Heraclitus (540 BCE – 480 BCE) Ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, was onto something big. …
Planes, Axes and Primal Movements
One of the first things covered (and equally forgotten) in any anatomy book are the planes of…
Power Athlete Radio – Episode 83 PAHQ Crew
This week we chit chat about #22JackedStreet, bone density, and a couple of recently released articles on…
Bulking Tips for a “Healthy” Thanksgiving
Here’s a scenario; you’re a hard charging bulking machine who’s following the Bulking Protocol to a “T”. You’ve…
Eat, Drink, & Don’t Be Weird: Leaning on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and if you’re like me, you’re always simultaneously leaning and bulking….