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Step into the world of Power Athlete Radio, where your journey towards peak performance is ignited with unwavering passion.

Brace yourself for an electrifying experience unlike any other. Led by the indomitable spirit of John Welbourn, a true legend of the NFL and the visionary force behind Power Athlete, this podcast serves as a gateway to unlocking your fullest potential.

Prepare to be enthralled as Welbourn fearlessly dissects the greatest minds in strength and conditioning while unravelling the secrets of human performance and life.

But make no mistake, dear listener, our mission goes far beyond mere information. Together we will Destroy Mediocrity and work to Empower your Performance.

So, whether your goal is to Be the Hammer, Eat the Weak or simply, Moving The Dirt, just know, you have arrived at your destined destination. Welcome to Power Athlete Radio, where greatness is born, nurtured, and unleashed upon the world.


Ep 766 – Testosterone Unleashed: The Hormone Playbook

Sort the science from the bro-science of hormone optimization. This week I’m unpacking the science and bro-science…

Author: John

Ep 765 – Ozempic: Miracle Weight Loss or Overhyped Hype?

Discover how Ozempic actually works and the science behind its weight-shedding prowess. This week I’m diving deep…

Author: John

Ep 764 – Immortal Iron: Louie Simmons’ Legacy Lives On

Dive into a conversation with the immortal Louie Simmons and reignite your passion to lift. Legends are…

Author: John

Ep 763 – From the Court to the Boardroom

How to turn life’s challenges into stepping stones on the path to greatness. I’m joined this week…

Author: John


Go from Average Joe to MVP with performance programming battle tested at the highest level.

Ep 762 – From Gym Rookie to Guru

Discover what it takes to turn your passion into a powerhouse. Hold onto your kettlebells, Power Athlete…

Author: John

Ep 761 – Brandon Epstein on Power vs. Force

Discover how to tap into that inner strength, embrace your true power and start crushing your goals….

Author: John

Ep 760 – The Dark Side of Calories w/ Dr Cate Shanahan

Reveal the treacherous terrain of modern nutrition We’re about to embark on a journey into the shadowy…

Author: John

Ep 759 – The Evolution of Strength Coaching

Discover the roots of strength coaching and how it’s changed over the decades. Are you ready to…

Author: John


Go from Average Joe to MVP with performance programming battle tested at the highest level.

Ep 637 – Jacked & Juicy AF

The three key factors to muscle building. What does being cool have to do with packing on…

Author: John

Ep 636 – Unfiltered Nutrition Knowledge

Dr Cate Shanahan’s 4 nutrition rules to live by. It’s time to take a hard look at…

Author: John

Ep 635 – Stop 1RM Testing Teens

Discover the key components of unlocking athletic potential to empower a high school athlete’s performance. A tradition…

Author: John

Ep 634 – The 12 Hour Walk Challenge

Learn to prioritize your values and goals with Colin O’Brady’s 12 hour walk-about. Figure out your shit….

Author: John